
Maintaining your financial well-being is an ongoing process; your financial strategy will need fine-tuning over time.

Our responsibility

  • Monitor progress of individual portfolios on a monthly cycle
  • Stay current with financial news and events, and financial analysis by Raymond James, Barclay’s, Credit Suisse,  and Standard and Poor’s
  • Be available during stock and bond market trading hours for questions, concerns and trading
  • Contact clients as news fundamentally affects holdings
  • Suggest changes or complementary investments when appropriate

Client participation

  • Agree on minimum number of systematic voice contacts
  • Participate in an annual portfolio review, and adjust plan as needed
  • Rebalance asset allocation when needed
  • Adjust plan according to life changes

Client responsibility

  • Inform us of fundamental changes in your financial situation
  • Uphold your commitment to our financial plan

After significant changes in your financial situation, it is important to understand that we may need to begin the process anew.